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Business Dining and Etiquette Training Courses in Cooperation with Mosimann's

Whether you are a world traveller who wines and dines in foreign business settings all the time, or someone starting out in your international career, a bit of social knowledge and knowing how to conduct yourself over a meal is always helpful. Knowing which fork to use may not overcome the fact that the numbers don't stack up, but not knowing which fork to use may take you out of the bid process unwittingly.

Please join us for an exclusive set of group, semi-private or private lessons offered in beautiful private dining rooms and with food from award winning chefs. The courses offer instruction on Western and the three main Eastern dining techniques during the month of August 2008.

The courses will be conducted at Mosimann's, a Private Dining Club in Belgravia and home to Award-Winning Chef Anton Mosimann's Cuisine Naturelle. Set in a spectacular converted Church, the Club provides a perfect setting for a most memorable dining and learning experience. The club is not open to the public.

Sonia Lo will be teaching the courses in London. She's trained over 260 executives in various industries and developed the curriculum as a function of her own business dealings around the world and from the details of international protocol learned at her diplomat parents' table. She has lived in 16 and conducted business in over 35 countries. She continues to travel extensively for her finance role and has a book coming out from the Grove Atlantic Press in February 2009 about conducting business around the world in social settings.

A Recipe for Peace expects to begin offering the courses in select international locations in 2009 as well.

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