A Recipe for Peace


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The initial funds for the A Recipe for Peace Foundation will be raised from a series of cookbooks, the first of which is Dining with Dictators. This is a humorous cookbook featuring the Dictator's biography, fictional favourite recipe and protocol tips for dictators in residence and deposed alike.  Haven't you always wanted to know how to make Mussolini's Mussels, Saddam's Soufflé and Pol Pot's Hot Pot?  Also, where does one seat a deposed dictator if one is hosting a formal dinner?  How does one ask a "business favour" of dictators still in power?  When is the appropriate time to make the cash donation?  We hope you’ll enjoy the recipes and that the (faux) etiquette and protocol guidelines will make you smile.

Dining with Dictators was published by ARFP in December 2005.
ISBN 0-9550956-0-3 Price £14.99 + postage & packing. To buy the book via this website please click here.

You can also contact us by writing to arecipeforpeace@yahoo.com

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